Wear safety glasses and at least some cheap knit gloves.How to replace and what tools do i need to replace the rear brake pads on a mazda protege 1994?Dee,
I am pretty sure that those are drum brakes, which means that unless you want to struggle and curse alot you will need to get a drum brake tool, it will allow you to remove the pad springs much more easily than trying to use a screwdriver and vice grips. You need to remove the drum itself after pulling off the wheel, then pay very close attention to how everything is put together before starting. The pads are held on with hooks over posts and there is a lot of spring tension. Honestly unless you are willing to bust your knuckles and face the possibility of getting them off and not being able to get them back on, you should take the car to a brake shop or find a friend that has the tools and experience to do it for you, they are a pain in the ***.